
Your probably just as shocked seeing this, as I am writing this. A new blog post? Really? It’s been 4 years. 4 years is a very long time, and a lot has happened in those 4 years. I could write a movie script, with characters, plots, drama, and various locations, action, adventure, he gets the girl, saves the world, movie credits, yadi ya ya ya. I could probably even conjure a sequel, but ill save you the time.

Speaking of time, most of the world seems to have a lot of it on hand, something about a global pandemic is happening? I mean, haven’t we’ve read enough books and seen tons of movies that this was a possibility? Well, I’m not shocked (thanks Hollywood), I’m actually surprised it happening in THIS lifetime. I was expecting this to happen in 3050 when we have flying cars, people living on Mars and aliens walk up and down the same aisle at your local grocery store. Is that an alien taking all the toilet paper? That would be a crazy view huh? Back on the pandemic topic, why is there no toilet paper at the grocery stores? Of all things that we need in a pandemic, I surely didn’t rate toilet paper as number one on the list. Life is forever changed. Everybody is wearing masks and gloves and keeping 6 feet apart. In Asia, this is just another Tuesday. I’m keeping positive during this lockdown and washing my hands so much that the dryness could start a forest fire! Will society be normalized again? Extroverts can’t wait to get back to normal, and introverts are like what pandemic?! I guess time heals all wounds.

Today was my son’s birthday, he turned 3. So now that the cats out of the bag, the last 4 years of my life have been occupied by a little human that looks just like me, but acts nothing like me. The way genes work is crazy. He’s my pride and joy, but also my krypton. Being a parent is the hardest test I have ever taken in my life, and that’s coming from somebody who failed the DMV written test 18 times! Boy was they right about terrible 2’s, and just to think I thought I got away with it because the first 8 months of him being 2 was pretty much a breeze, but the last 4 months have been pure chaos. I keep telling myself 15 more years, 15 more years! I enamor my son, and he has fulfilled a void in my life that I cherish each and every day, love.

Oh man, love. Love is crazier then genes. This thing called love, for thousands of years, has built kingdoms and has destroyed them too. Whether it was a man, woman, religion or animal… yes, people have loved animals in more ways than we should imagine, BUT the point is the craziness and manipulation it does to us.

Well, that’s all for now. I just wanted to get some stuff off the noggin and into the interweb before I sleep on it. Hey, if you still subscribed to my blog, thank you for rockin with me. I’ll try to stay around more.


Stay healthy, be safe.
